“My leg is temporarily useless sir, not my brain and hands,” was the reply as the intercom buzzed and since Khushi was still on the floor, Deepthimaan pressed the speaker button and Avadhani‟s voice boomed through... “If you are finished with that, then make a review...” He went on for two more minutes, non-stop and asked, “OK?”
Deepthimaan simply said, “Are you finished Mr. Avadhani?” Khushi couldn‟t help feeling amused at the sudden panic in Mr. Avadhani‟s voice as he stuttered, “...Eh...Kunwar ji? How come you are there?” And then Khushi was even more amused by the Prince‟s reply as he said, “I didn‟t know I needed your permission to visit my own office sir?” “No...No! I meant...er... I will be right there sir!” Mr. Avadhani said immediately. “No need. I don‟t need you.” He said and cut the call as Khushi flinched. Mr. Avadhani will put her through the gallows for the next month. “OK!” He said and coz she was on the floor, suddenly sat down on the floor and asked her, “Don‟t you think you need to take care of yourself? Who asked you to come to office?” Khushi was first of all flabbergasted by the way he sat on the carpeted floor and was chatting her up...on top of that she felt super conscious of being watched by about a 100 odd assistants who comprised of an entire floor. What was he trying to do? Deepthimaan felt odd himself. He never acted that way. In all the years, apart from his training period he never came down to the floor ever! But what he was doing right then was something he would never comprehend himself. He called SurPal to know about her address but instead got to know that she was at work. SurPal actually sounded protective of her. It made him jealous in a way. SurPal was his man. He was his buddy...a brother...and he was supposed to be close to him. Not some woman who was mystery personified. Anyways he came down to probe, but was somehow impressed by the way she just came back to work and that too without any support. And the best of the surprises was that he was actually chatting her up sitting on the floor as if they were some long lost friends. The woman had something in her! He had to give it to her! Khushi looked at the man and smarted. No one cared for the other these days! She even saw couples these days first thinking of self rather than their spouses! How come this man was so endearing and caring? If this was the fare an employee was getting, how lucky his family would be. His wife and mother would be so very well taken care of! She somehow felt good about thinking about it. It was news for her! Since when was she feeling good thinking about human relationships! She was so not into it! “Tell you what!” The man was saying... “Just pack your bags and go home! Take rest for a week and if you come a day early, I will cut your salary.” Khushi smiled. He must be the first boss in history to cut salary for reporting to work. What the bloody hell was she smiling at! He got incensed and yelled “Jitey!!!” Subhojit Sarkar came in and froze! “Yeh kya Kunwar? Aap zameen pay?” (Prince! You on the floor?) ...and then he immediately saw Khushi and asked, “What‟s the matter? You fell?" ...and immediately helped her to stand. “Thank you so much!” Khushi smiled at him, and Deepthimaan somehow didn't like her doing that. “Jitey she is going home and I am leaving for the day. Tell Avadhani to give her a week‟s off, and depending on the medical reports we shall see.” He turned to her and wagged his finger at her in a warning and left.
Khushi cursed him again, as she waded through the knee-deep water at the bus stop. She was wearing a chiffon sari in pale blue, and it was plastered to her body. She was getting to feel odd as the bus stop had two men who were staring at her or so she felt! She grimaced and cursed The Prince! All because of him!
She was okay working in the office and he had to spoil it for her-like always! She thought. The man nearer to her moved a little towards her while the other circled her to stand on the other end of the bus stop. Khushi somehow did not like it. She looked to her left for the bus and suddenly it started to rain in earnest.
The man nearer to her asked softly, “Kahaan janaa hain?” (Where do want to go?) Khushi ignored him and kept looking to her left... “Taxi main aana hain meray sath?” (Want to cadge a lift with me?) He leered at her.
Khushi realized that the man was silently looking at the other and owing to the odd hour and the lull period, there was none on the road. She did not want to take a chance and she started walking back to the office. Let her reach some secure location. Then she would think! But she forgot one thing in all this. Her leg was bad. She realized it the moment she started to walk and as she saw the other man charging towards her, she bolted on to the road and a car screeched to a sudden halt as she fell on the road coz of the impact. Thakur Deepthimaan Singh Rathore stepped out cursing and froze as he recognized her. “Lady, have you taken an oath to exit the planet through me?” He yelled at her in exasperation as he gathered her in his arms and saw that blood trickled form her temple and hissed, “Shit!!!! #$%!!!”
He dumped her into the car and raced as she wailed, “I can manage...just drop me at the taxi stand!” He put on the break suddenly making the vehicle to screech to a halt, turned and yelled at her, “Yeah you can! I know! You are one great lady and pain is like some popcorn to you that you munch at belittling everyone. But I too have some habits! Like not leaving an injured lady on the road especially after she is hit by me...”
“You didn‟t hit me... I walked into you... she clarified and saw his jaw clench as he turned and wagged his index finger at her and hissed, “Shut up! Just shut your...mouth up” “No! I am telling the truth sir. Two men were trying to er... they...at the bus stop... they were almost about to...” she could not complete embarrassed at the whole thing.
“So I bolted on to the road. You were not at fault sir!” Deepthimaan stopped the car with a screech and asked her, “What?” Khushi nodded and said, “Yeah! I am telling you the truth.” “Who are they?” He narrowed he eyes. “I don‟t know sir! They were at the bus stop and were trying to er...misbehave...” Khushi in her happiness of being able to convince him didn‟t notice that he went still.
Goldenhaze is the pen name of the author AnuRam who is a professor in business management and writes fiction for a hobby. Goldenhaze fiction spans a multitude of genres from romance, thrillers and suspense to comedy occult and horror.
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