She was there in him as the breath that he inhaled and exhaled... She was present in every thought of his... She was the darkness in his shadow... She was in his every mood and...
She was there with him as a dream... She was his! But where was she? Why was she not with him?
His love! His life! His destiny! Why did she never think of him...? “There you go Prince!” Major Chawla motioned to a lush expanse of land that seemed to stretch forever. It was amidst the picturesque setting of the Himalayas with the valley stretching before them... “Is this Sunauli?” He asked the Army official who was sitting next to him... “Yes sir! This is Sunauli and we are supposed to go to the Post office where...” The Major was still speaking when he stalled him and said, “No! Please! I can manage from here.” He did not want to bother Major Chawla more than he had already! His dad had called the Major‟s dad his best pal to arrange for the trip, and Major Aman Chawla had done more than enough for him to reach his destination. “Are you sure?” The Army official raised his eyebrows at the man. “100% sure!” came the reply. “Ok then I shall arrange for the vehicle to reach you in two hours! “Major Aman said. “Thanks Major!” he shook hands with him, and walked on... towards his destiny.
Goldenhaze is the pen name of the author AnuRam who is a professor in business management and writes fiction for a hobby. Goldenhaze fiction spans a multitude of genres from romance, thrillers and suspense to comedy occult and horror.
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