Deepthimaan moved quickly, grabbed the tray and set it aside and tried to check her hand, but she moved away hiding her hand behind her back saying, “No! I am fine...that‟s okay.” “You got burnt... let me...” He tried to examine her hand, but she stepped back saying, “No! I said...I am fine” He did not listen and tried to check her hand, as she yelled loudly, “I said No! Don‟t touch me!” He then looked at her, and smarted as standing before him was one of the exquisitely beautiful woman he had ever seen, with skin so fragile and features so perfect, as if etched by an expert sculptor. She was petite and was draped in an elegant sari in mauve and off white. She had black hair and beautiful eyes and her nose was pert yet sharp, and he saw what he termed as perfectly shaped lips and shoulders and a body that was proportional. She turned to leave and he prompted, “Listen! You must get some first aid done.”
“No need sir! I shall get you another cup of coffee.” She said without turning, and Deepthimaan was intrigued by her behavior. In his office woman tried to be all over and around him, so much so that he had developed aversion to a few. And here was a lady who did not even care to look at him.
“No you must...” whatever he was about to say was stopped by the lady turning and telling him off in a very severe tone, “I told you sir! I don‟t need help.” “Now look here...I...” he wanted to tell her it was up to her. He was only trying to be helpful...He was not in a position to bother about anyone and worse still he did not have any intention to play nursemaid to any of his junior staff.
“I don‟t know who you are sir. But I want to tell you that I am capable of taking care of myself. Thanks for your concern but no thanks I don‟t need any help! I am sorry I spilt your coffee... I shall get some more” she vanished making Deepthimaan blow out air saying, “Phew! That was some woman!”
Khushi made the coffee cursing her clumsiness all the time. He was definitely the owner‟s son. Some fancy name they told her, but everyone referred to him as the Prince or Kunwar. She had heard him saying he was a Rathore. She gulped hard as she recalled how she cast him off saying, I don’t know who you are sir! The elders in the company called him as Chotey Thakur while the rest addressed him as Kunwar or Prince.
But what a man he was! She recollected his features. Thirtyish may be! Perfectly set jaw. Handsome face with straight nose that would put even the Hollywood hunks to shame. He was a six-footer and in excellent health with shoulders that spanned half the executive cabin that made her feel suffocated. Over and above everything, it was the aura that he exuded! It was out of the world. There was an air of integrity in him that appealed to her. And there was this...something that Raina called animal magnetism or being sexy, which he exuded in oodles, which no wonder must be making woman go crazy about him, she thought. Men like him had profound impact on any object labeled female, within a ten-kilometer radius. She collected the mug, carefully draped her sari around her wrist, noticing that the skin was peeling off the wound. It hurt like hell. But since when was she susceptible to pain! She smiled to herself. She would deal with it after reaching home and till than her wound had to wait.
She grimaced and walked in to give him another cup. As she entered she saw that he was again on the phone and he smiled at her and she stood mesmerized at his face that got completely transformed by his smile, as it was like a small child's- guileless and pure. Did men like that exist still? “The doctor will see you at ten Ok?” He was asking her. “What doctor?” She asked still in a daze. “Look Ms., that burnt hand needs first aid and attention as it might get infected...” he said cutting the call, and took the mug staring at the now covered wound, and sipped at the coffee saying, “Ummmm! Just what I wanted!” ... And started working again, much to her annoyance. He just dismissed her!... just like that? She smarted once and twice and then thought the better off it, and turned to leave when he softly reminded her, “Be ready by ten!”
Khushi was irritated. She did not want any attention. In fact, she just wanted to fade out into the décor if anyone could tell her how. She had been there only for a couple of months at the Corporal and everyone already knew. People did not have any work of their own that they were interested in others and their lives.
“But you are so!” Raina had complained. “Did you look at yourself in the mirror Khushi? Are you sure you are not some cursed princess from some fairy tale?” She had asked in awe. She met Raina on the staircase, when the lift had malfunctioned on her second day at work, and Raina was struggling with a tray load of files. Khushi guessed that she was pregnant although she didn't show much then, and helped her carry stuff and also made two more trips and was treated to a coffee at their office canteen. That‟s how their friendship had started and she was wary in the beginning. She could not afford to make any friends or any attachments as a matter of fact. It was not only dangerous but also put her in real soup. After all, life had taught her so many lessons and if she did not learn them, then her life was as good as wasted. She quickly finished her work, kept everything away and locked the drawers and collected her handbag to go to her place.
Goldenhaze is the pen name of the author AnuRam who is a professor in business management and writes fiction for a hobby. Goldenhaze fiction spans a multitude of genres from romance, thrillers and suspense to comedy occult and horror.
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